Junior Scientist Science Study: Spiders
Want to dive in deeper with spiders? Do you have a bug lover who is fascinated by spiders? They are amazing creatures that live on every continent around the world except for Antarctica. While many people may fear spiders, they are a natural way to control the insect population. **This is a digital product, no physical items will be shipped.**

While you may think of spiders as insects, they are actually arachnids that are in the same family as ticks, mites, and scorpions. There are 45,000 species of spiders that also range from the tiny to as large as a child’s forearm.
They are all carnivorous eating insects that they catch. Did you know not all spiders make a web but they all have silk?
How cool is that?
See how a spider grows from an egg to an adult spider.

What’s included in the spiders’ activity kit?
- Vocabulary tracing
- Letter writing
- Spider species cards
- Parts of a spider labeling
- And more…
Bug lovers will enjoy learning interesting spider facts and how they are the same but different.
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